The girl, the blue elephant and everything

I fully expected to work on Grampy’s Dance this morning, add another thousand words or so.

But when I logged into Google, so that it was open and ready, in case I needed to do research, the blurb on the home page informed me that it was Dr. Seuss’ birthday.

And as I considered that (he would be 105 today if he were still alive), four words floated to the upturned window of that magic eight ball that is my imagination.

Doctor Sue’s Dr. Seuss.

And I began to imagine where that had come from and where it might be going.  I began to doodle about and before I knew it, I had written 1,273 words toward what will probably be a three-thousand-word short.

Grampy’s Dance will have to wait just a bit; this one arrived all in a piece and fully formed.  And so, I only stopped writing because I wanted to get something to eat before going to bed.

Doctor Sue’s Dr. Seuss. Boy, is this one out of thin air and off the wall.

And I mean that literally.

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