According to His Substance

My short story, According to His Substance, is now available from as the lead story in Brave Boy World, an anthology from Pink Narcissus Press. The story originally appeared in my story collection, Snapshots From A Black Hole & Other Oddities.

brave-boy-cover-low-res_origAccording to His Substance examines identity and our need for redemption. To what lengths would you go to to be the person you believe you are?  What are the costs of redemption?  Can it be achieved if you have wronged a crowd of people? And if you were given a second chance, would you have sufficient courage to try to make things right?

I’m rather pleased with this story and grateful to Michael Takeda, editor of the anthology, for his faith in my work. Thank you, Michael.

The book looks fantastic; I am so pleased to be a part of it!  And faithful readers – I hope you enjoy the story!

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